What is your name and age?: Ashton/17
Where are you from?: Vancouver, Canada (GMT -8 )
How long have you been playing RO?: Few years on and off.
How long have you been on our current server?: Few hours on and off.
What character do you plan on maining for WoE?: DPS wiz (SG most likely unless there's a salamander floating around or something) IGN Penumbra
Other characters? Names/Classes?: n/a
What kind of WoE experience do you have? (SE/FE): SE with QT
Have any High-end MvP experience? If so, with which mvps?: Some exp. with most mvps.
Don't really have anything in game so here's my build:
BG set w/ ED, nox, matyr
stala +5 DB
valk w/ flame skull
2x zerom orleans
Have any experience with other classes besides what you plan to play, and would you be available to play that if we require a roster mix up?: Preferably creo (dps/spp) but anything except clown/gypsy, really.
Do you know anyone in RBP prior to now?: Balmunk, Cintax QTs etc.
Past servers? And if you were in any notable guild: VisionRO v1 w/ QT/Just as Planned
Have you been in any other guilds on our current server?: no
Anything else?: Only really intend to play SE if that's cool.